SOURCE Service Scholars

Our SOURCE Service Scholars (SSS) program is a unique opportunity for community partners to engage health professional students in long-term (academic year) commitments. SOURCE works with community-based organizations (CBOs) to identify and refine projects and make connections to students who express interest in a long-term, regular commitment. Part of the Scholar requirement is to recruit other Hopkins-affiliated volunteers throughout the service year. Therefore, all projects must describe how the SSS, or the project student leader, can engage additional volunteers in the defined work.
Scholars are required to log a minimum of 125 total hours over the course of the year in partnership with their CBO. Not only do Scholars log impressive hours, they also undergo training in the core concepts of service-learning. As part of their commitment, Scholars receive training and guidance from SOURCE staff covering: service-learning theory and practice, project management, volunteer recruitment/management and delivering/reporting on outcomes. These trainings are delivered through the SOURCE Service Academy, as well as one-on-one consultations with dedicated SOURCE advisors.
Now Accepting Applications for 2025-26 SOURCE Service Scholars
- Read 2025-26 Project Descriptions Here (PDF)
- Click here for the 2025-26 SSS Student Application
- Application Deadline: Fri, March 21 at 11:59 p.m. ET
- Online Information Session via Zoom: Thurs, March 6 at 12:00 p.m. ET
- Click here to register for the Online Info Session

SSS Commitments
- Service Hour Requirement: Commitment to at least 125 service hours with partner organization over the course of the academic year, as well as regular check-in meetings with their CBO contact on-site and virtually
- Summer Assignments: Scholars will be assigned readings and reflections throughout the summer leading up to their direct placement with community partners. Scholars are required to complete all readings and reflections by dates indicated throughout the summer.
- SOURCE Staff Advisor Meetings: Scholars must meet either in-person or virtually with their assigned SOURCE Advisor on a regular basis to discuss personal reflections, progress on their project and general experiences related to the service experience (the first meeting will take place at the completion of summer assignments).
- Scholar Reports: Scholars will be required to complete several written progress reports throughout the course of their service year.
- SOURCE Service Academy: Through a series of seminars and trainings, the SOURCE Service Academy will train Scholars in service project management, including: successful recruitment, retention and management of volunteers, principles of academic-community partnership, service-learning pedagogy and leadership for social change. Scholars will also be required to complete a variety of assignments and readings as part of the service academy. All Academy session dates are mandatory.
- Volunteer Recruitment: Each Scholar will be required to recruit at least four additional JHU health professional students to work on the designated project throughout the year. The Scholar will act as the team leader and will implement volunteer management skills and service-learning pedagogy knowledge gained during Service Academy sessions.
- Final Presentations: Scholars will be required to present their projects and progress through a poster at during our year-end celebrations.
SSS Benefits
- $1,875 stipend
- Practical experience in service-learning theory and practice, project management, volunteer recruitment and management, fundraising, and program assessment and evaluation.
- Valuable professional development experience through the SOURCE Service Academy and mentorship with SOURCE staff.
- Community-based practical experience in the health field.
How to Apply

SSS Projects are identified with SOURCE community partners. Applicants review projects and rank up to 3 top choices of interest. Applications are reviewed, and top candidates for each project are invited to interview with the CBOs.
SSS Application Process
- Open to all students from the Johns Hopkins University Schools of Public Health, Nursing, and Medicine who will be enrolled full-time for the duration of the upcoming academic year.
- Applicants complete an online application form and attach their resume to the form.
- Applicants thoroughly review projects and rank their top 2 projects within the applications.
- An internal admissions team will review applications and will select the top 3-4 students to interview per project. Applicants will be notified in April regarding the status of their potential interview(s).
- Students who are selected to interview will participate in an online pre-interview information session.
SOURCE Service Scholars are Expected to:
- Maintain a consistent presence and communication with the CBO throughout the project (on average, 3-4 hours per week). Scholars will schedule on-site and hybrid collaboration with their partner CBO in 2025-2026.
- Remain in constant contact and collaboration with the lead contact at the partnering CBO
- Ensure sustainability of the project by working with the CBO contact on a sustainability plan
- Attend all 6 SSS Academy sessions offered by SOURCE
- Recruit a minimum of 4 student volunteers from the JHU Schools of Medicine, Nursing, or Public Health to assist with the SSS project, and engage all recruited volunteers in regular critical reflection (training on reflection will be provided)
- Attend quarterly check-in meetings with assigned SOURCE staff advisor
- Respond to all SSS communications in a timely manner
- Complete a mid-year and final report on project progress
- Complete summer learning and reflection activities
- Complete a minimum of 125 service hours
- Track hours logged on a weekly basis
- Complete a final paper and poster summarizing their work
- Remain flexible with reasonable changes in the program structure
CBO Preceptors are Expected to:
- Complete the SOURCE Online Preceptor Modules
- Supervise the Scholar and recruited volunteers over the term of the project
- Establish regular and frequent meetings with the Scholar regarding progress of project
- Provide appropriate guidance for the Scholar to complete project within the academic year
- Ensure sustainability of the project by working with the Scholar on a sustainability plan
- Communicate regularly with SOURCE staff to ensure the Scholar is on pace to meet stated project needs
- Respond to all SSS communications in a timely manner
- Complete a mid-year and final evaluation regarding the Scholar project
- Be able to verify the Scholar's hour logs
- Remain flexible with reasonable changes in the program structure

Who can become a SOURCE Service Scholar (SSS)?
This opportunity is open to any full-time student enrolled in the Johns Hopkins University Schools of Public Health, Medicine (M.D. students only) and Nursing during the full academic year (noted in the recruitment materials) who has an interest in long-term service and community-based professional development.
What if I don’t have community contacts in Baltimore?
Not a problem! SOURCE has already identified Scholar projects with a number of its partnering community-based organizations (CBOs) for you to rank in order of preference. SOURCE has a network of nearly 100 partnering CBOs in Baltimore City to which we match scholars. SOURCE uses a thorough application and review process for forming intentional, mutually beneficial partnerships with CBOs.
What if I want to work with a community-based organization (CBO) that isn’t an official SOURCE partner?
All Scholar projects offered are via SOURCE’s partnering CBOs. There are numerous benefits of tapping into SOURCE’s network of partners, particularly due to the system of checks and balances in place as part of SOURCE’s partner review process (including safety, liability, sustainability, reciprocity, and more). Projects have already been identified and Schools rank their interest in up to 5 projects.
Can I continue as a Scholar after the academic year ends?
The SOURCE Service Scholar Program duration is one full academic year. The Scholar is welcome to identify work beyond the Scholar year with their CBO contact, but the formal SSS partnership on a particular project comes to a close at the end of the academic year. The project is intended to be sustainable and completed within the academic year, thus if the Scholar chooses to work with the organization beyond the academic year, it should not reflect the same duties as with the initial project.
What is the role of the SOURCE staff advisor?
Each Scholar will be assigned an advisor from the SOURCE staff. The advisor will track Scholar progress, review and give feedback on SSS assignments, and provide guidance related to any challenges experienced within the project.

Learn About Our Previous Cohorts:
- 2022-2023 SOURCE Service Scholars
- 2021-2022 SOURCE Service Scholars
- 2020-2021 SOURCE Service Scholars
- 2019-2020 SOURCE Service Scholars
- 2018-2019 SOURCE Service Scholar Cohort
- 2017-2018 SOURCE Service Scholar Cohort
- 2016-2017 SOURCE Service Scholar Cohort
- 2015-2016 SOURCE Service Scholar Cohort
- 2014-2015 SOURCE Service Scholar Cohort
- 2013-2014 SOURCE Service Scholar Cohort
- 2012-2013 SOURCE Service Scholar Cohort