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Community Fellows

SOURCE Community Fellows participate in the Service-Learning Academy which engages faculty and community leaders in a year-long program that trains and supports them to integrate service-learning into their professional practice.

The Community Fellows train alongside  faculty from across the country so that CBOs can understand service-learning pedagogy and develop practical partnerships with JHU faculty and courses. Our unique training model ensures that community partners are included and prioritized in our academic partnerships from the start.




Program Goals

  • Understand and utilize service-learning pedagogy engaging students in critical reflection around power, privilege and ethics in the health fields
  • Design a service-learning project in conjunction with a JHU health professional school faculty member
  • Build new and/or strengthen existing partnerships with JHU faculty members and SOURCE
  • Engage in critical dialogue with colleagues regarding the role of service-learning in the health professions and how it applies to the community
  • Network and collaborate with a community of 80+ service-learning professionals in health education and community-based organizations
  • Explain service-learning to students, colleagues and community partners

Become a Fellow

Fellows agree to the following commitments:

  • Participation in a 2.5 day training seminar
  • Attend quarterly check-in meetings throughout the academic year
  • Meet with SOURCE staff to develop a Community Fellows Project such as enhancing materials for SOURCE partner CBOs or preceptors

NOTE: Applicants must be a current SOURCE community partner to be eligible to participate in the Service-Learning Academy