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Opportunities Guide | Ongoing and Long-Term Projects


Are you interested in developing an internship position at your organization? Think of internships as an opportunity for a student to complete a special project for your CBO – for little or no cost!

There are two types of internships - 1) existing and 2) individualized. Many of our students come to SOURCE seeking existing internships– these are available to them immediately, have already been developed (see How to Develop an Internship below), and are advertised. This type, which you, the CBO, develop before recruiting a student volunteer, differs from an individualized internship, in which the student and the CBO work together – “starting from scratch”- to reach mutual goals. Both types of internships are valuable, but the individualized internship development process takes a little extra time and energy, for both our students and you. Thus, due to the intensity of their studies and other personal obligations, our students often turn elsewhere to find advertised, available, existing internships.

While we believe that some of our students will continue to create individualized internships specific to their interests, we have seen many students abandoning individualized internships, for the convenience of advertised existing internships. Thus, we encourage you to follow the following guidelines on developing an existing internship, so you may get an edge on the recruitment pool.

Additionally, there are both optional and required internships at our Schools. Most students look at internships as a great way to gain experience or to earn academic credit through a “special studies” or independent study with a faculty member. At BSPH, there are several degree programs that require internships (or field placements). Typically, students that are required to complete an internship work full-time for 3 months - 6 months (depending on departmental requirements). Most of these internships occur in the summer and/or fall. Payment is not required for the students. However, there are many students that do seek funding because they are still required to pay for tuition during these terms. So, if your organization has the ability to pay an hourly rate or give a stipend, recruitment will be much easier for the internship.

How To Develop an Internship

This is a chance for CBOs to offer professional development opportunities to our students. Internships can consist of short- term projects for students to complete, special event planning, research, etc.

By having a job description for an available internship, our students can search through a catalog of internships and apply for those that are of interest to them. By creating more structure to this system, we believe that we will be able to place more students with community-based organizations.

Step By Step Guidance
  • First, think about what you want a student to do.
  • Then, create a job description.
  • Determine the hours per week and length of the commitment for an internship (15 hours per week or less is the norm. 10 hours per week or less is the most realistic number. For length of commitment, 1-2 terms are the norm. Our terms are 8 weeks in length, as we are on a quarter system, and not a semester system). For required internships in the departments, many students can work full-time (40 hours per week) for their 3-6 month internship obligations.
  • Decide if the internship will be paid, unpaid, or if a student will receive a stipend.
  • SOURCE will advertise your internship opportunity to our students.
  • Students seeking academic credit will need to contact their faculty advisor or another faculty member to discuss receiving academic credit. All departments have special studies credits available for field applications and research.
  • The student will agree on a plan with the faculty member, including the number of credits they will earn and how to show their learning (e.g., a paper or presentation).
Items to Consider for Internship Description
  • Project goals
  • Primary responsibilities of the intern
  • Skills needed by the intern to complete this project 
  • Minimum time commitment needed of the intern 
  • Level of supervision provided to the intern 
  • Expected length of the project
  • Number of interns needed for the project 
  • Supervisor contact information at your agency