Community Outreach Program

An exciting enhancement option for School of Nursing (SON) students is the Community Outreach Program (COP). Community partnerships allow students to work and learn in a variety of organizations throughout Baltimore City. Students have incredible experiences such as working with community-based clinics, implementing health education programs, working with culturally diverse populations, providing outreach services, and working with family support programs, just to name a few. The SON has its own innovative nurse managed clinics, under the direction of faculty through the Center for Community Programs, Innovation and Scholarship.
Faculty and students provide vital community nursing services in several sites including:
- a transitional housing program
- a domestic violence shelter
- a senior citizen housing program
In addition to these centers, students may select from approved jobs for the SON COP with other participating SOURCE CBOs, including:
- schools
- grassroots community organizations
- substance abuse programs
- faith-based organizations
- children’s programs
- community clinics
Under the direction of the faculty, students are able to choose from a wealth of options. Students are mentored to build upon their previous experiences and apply their new public health nursing skills within Baltimore's communities. The profession of nursing has a rich history of reaching out to meet the extensive needs of underserved populations. The Community Outreach Program at the SON builds upon this history and continues to address these needs by working in partnership with communities and building upon their strengths.
COP Placement Process
In the Fall, students are able to apply for placements in the Community Outreach Program. Students will have access to all available job descriptions and will select their top choices. Once applications are reviewed, students will be placed with their organizations. Students typically work approximately 4 hours per week for the entire academic school year with their organization. Students do receive a small stipend or FWS funds for their community involvement. Only non-clinical placements are acceptable at CBOs where a SON faculty member is not listed as the preceptor. Non-clinical placements must include direct interaction with the public, and typically entails health education. These placements require that the CBO have an appropriate preceptor to work with the student. For health education, particularly regarding sensitive topics, a curriculum must be identified as well.