Directory of SOURCE Partnering Community-Based Organizations
SOURCE partners with more than 100 Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) in Baltimore City. CBOs provide meaningful community engagement activities for our students, faculty and staff, including one-time service projects, long-term projects, scholarly projects, internships, FWS positions, short-term consultant projects and more.
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The contact information for our partnering CBOs is subject to change. If you need assistance in contacting an organization, please let us know. We are also available if you need some guidance in choosing a site. 410-955-3880,
Baltimore City Health Department
To protect health, eliminate disparities and enhance the wellbeing of everyone in our community through education, coordination, advocacy, and direct service delivery.

Baltimore Crisis Response, Inc.
Provide timely and effective behavioral health and crisis intervention services to individuals in the least restrictive environment. The only crisis response program in Baltimore City, Baltimore Crisis Response Inc., offers a 24/7 hotline, mobile crisis services, residential crisis stabilization, medical residential detox targeted case management and critical incident de-briefing services.

Baltimore Medical System
We are the largest federally qualified community health center in Maryland. We provide care for low income and uninsured persons in Baltimore City and County.

Charm City Care Connection
Charm City Care Connection (CCCC) is a harm reduction program located in East Baltimore. We serve as a low barrier entry point into the healthcare and social services system for people who use drugs. We do this by providing a drop-in center, harm reduction services, street outreach, and wraparound case management

Chase Brexton Health Services
To provide nondiscriminatory primary care to the community, with a focus on the underserved. Includes:

Esperanza Center
Esperanza Center is a comprehensive immigrant resource provider that welcomes thousands of immigrants to the United States each year. Our mission is to welcome immigrants by offering hope, compassionate services, and the power to improve their lives. Every day the Esperanza Center strives to empower clients to overcome barriers that stand in the way of their full participation in the American experience.

Health Care for the Homeless
Health Care for the Homeless (HCH), Inc. provides health-related services, education, and advocacy to reduce the incidence and burdens of homelessness. Health Care for the Homeless provides medical, mental health, social work, substance abuse, outreach and educational programs at its main clinic in Baltimore City, and through programs in Baltimore, Harford, Frederick, and Montgomery counties. With your help, HCH goes out on the streets to get people off the streets - and back into the mainstream.

Institutes for Behavior Resources, Inc./REACH Program
To address the needs of the total person by individualizing services, utilizing best practice treatment modalities, and integrating ancillary services and programs from within the community.

Parks & People Foundation
Parks & People wants Baltimore to be One Park — a vibrant network of green spaces, including parks, gardens, playing fields, landscaped boulevards, and more that connect people with the natural environment and each other every day.

Planned Parenthood of Maryland
Dealing with the following in the area of reproductive health: Reproductive health care services, Family planning, Education, Research.

Shepherd's Clinic
The Shepherd's Clinic provides quality, low-cost primary health care to those who are medically uninsured, helping people who are unable to afford commercial health insurance and who do not qualify for government assistance in Central Baltimore. The Clinic relies on the generosity and dedication of hundreds of volunteer doctors, nurses, professionals, retirees, students and others to make these services possible.

Total Health Care
Total Health Care has provided medical care to the low-income residents of Baltimore for more than 50 years. With its 8 locations, the organization is now the largest non-governmental provider of comprehensive primary care, mental health and substance used and dental services in Baltimore City, serving the areas health underserved, uninsured, underinsured, and special populations.