Directory of SOURCE Partnering Community-Based Organizations
SOURCE partners with more than 100 Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) in Baltimore City. CBOs provide meaningful community engagement activities for our students, faculty and staff, including one-time service projects, long-term projects, scholarly projects, internships, FWS positions, short-term consultant projects and more.
Getting started...
Read the "Tips to Volunteering Sensibly" list.
Read the SOURCE Disclaimer (in pdf format).
Find out how to travel to our partnering community-based organizations, "plus safety tips".
Let us know the outcome by reporting your service hours or providing feedback via Hopkins Engage.
Explore our Interactive Partner Map to discover more about partner organizations.
The contact information for our partnering CBOs is subject to change. If you need assistance in contacting an organization, please let us know. We are also available if you need some guidance in choosing a site. 410-955-3880,
Baltimore Safe Haven
Provide opportunities for a higher quality of life for TLGBQ people in Baltimore City living in survival mode.

FreeState Justice
Many LGBTQ Marylanders continue to experience discrimination in all aspects of their lives. FreeState Justice is a social justice organization that works statewide to improve the lives of LGTBQ Marylanders and their families through legal services, policy advocacy, outreach, education and coalition building.

PRIDE Center of Maryland
To provide a safe and supportive place for youth and young adults who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender.