Service-Learning Toolkit
What is service-learning? Why is it important? How do you do it?

Interested to know more about service-learning? We encourage using our SOURCE Service-Learning Toolkit as a referential resource in order to better understand the pedagogy and how it works. Our Fellows Program is also an excellent chance for you to learn and apply the pedagogy to your own teaching. Contact Tyler Derreth, SOURCE Associate Director, at with questions regarding our service-learning tools and opportunities.
SOURCE Service-Learning Faculty and Community Fellows Program

Our premier service-learning opportunity for faculty and community partners is the SOURCE Service-Learning Faculty and Community Fellows Program. This unique is a comprehensive program that engages faculty members each year from across the Johns Hopkins University Schools of Public Health and Nursing for a one-year term as they become part of a JHU community of faculty who use service-learning pedagogy. They are trained in service-learning pedagogy alongside Community Fellows, who are competitively selected leaders from SOURCE partnering community-based organizations.
Through the program, Fellows are required to integrate a service-learning component into a new or existing course with assistance from SOURCE. Throughout the program, Fellows receive training during an intensive 2 ½ day seminar (see details below) which kicks off the program in June, in addition to ongoing training throughout the year. Additionally, Fellows receive one-on-one consultation with SOURCE staff on service-learning curriculum development and service-learning project development. For each service-learning project, SOURCE identifies potential community partners and ensures an appropriate match to the course and for the organization’s needs.
Learn more and apply to become a Fellow at