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In Baltimore

Courses of Special Interest to Baltimore

Free online courses and educational materials that may be of special interest to community members or those interested in working with the Baltimore community are listed below.

Introductory Public Health Courses

The People, Power and Pride of Public Health

Get inspired about public health. Learn about public health achievements such as vaccines, air bags, and car seats, and use of public health tools such as data and policy. Hear from various public health leaders and learn from public health workers about the details of day-to-day public health work in the community.

Epidemiology in Public Health Practice

What is epidemiology and how might one apply this in practice? Learn about how to use epidemiology to solve public health problems and get introduced to data systems and measurements of disease burden.

Community Change in Public Health

Examine the community context of the changes needed to promote the public’s health and learn how to recognize strengths and capacities for improvement within a community. Learn about different practical and philosophical approaches to change.

History of Public Health

Learn about the historical experiences of health and illness from a population perspective and how the organization of societies can facilitate or mitigate the production and transmission of disease. Lectures involve some Baltimore-centric content.

An Introduction to the U.S. Food System: Perspectives from Public Health

Familiarize yourself with an introduction to food systems, food production and food policies in the United States. Knowledge gained from this course can then be applied to Baltimore-based work.

Courses for Individuals Working with Specific Populations

PrEParing: PrEP for Providers and Patients

Do you work or plan to work with HIV-affected populations, whether in Baltimore or beyond? Consider this course on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention. Specialized medical knowledge or training is not required.

Living with Dementia: Impact on Individuals, Caregivers, Communities and Societies

Those working with communities or individuals affected by dementia can learn more about its impact and actions that can be taken to improve quality of life for individuals living with dementia as well as their caregivers.

Training and Learning Programs for Volunteer Community Health Workers

Community health workers (CHWs) are an important volunteer workforce while implementing public health programs. Expand your skills and knowledge with this course developed based on actual CHW community experiences. Applicable to public health efforts across the nation, including Baltimore.

Courses on Specific Public Health Topics

Major Depression in the Population: A Public Health Approach

Learn about the epidemiology, risk factors, and treatment access issues for major depression. Course knowledge may then be applied to Baltimore-specific work with individuals or communities impacted by depression.

Systems Science and Obesity

Gain a systems science view of obesity which you can then apply to obesity-related initiatives and efforts in Baltimore and beyond. 

Introduction to the Biology of Cancer

Interested in the biology and science behind how cancer works? Consider this course on cancer types, genetic risk factors, cellular features, metastasis, diagnosis, staging and treatment.

Psychological First Aid

Learn to provide psychological first aid to people in an emergency by employing the RAPID model: Reflective listening, Assessment of needs, Prioritization, Intervention, and Disposition. Gain perspectives on injury and trauma beyond those physical in nature.

Health for All Through Primary Health Care

Learn how primary health care has been instrumental in approaching the goal to achieve Health for All in selected populations and how the principles of primary health care can guide future policies and actions.

Chemicals and Health

Explore policies and practices on chemicals in our environment and in our bodies, how we measure them, and their impact on our health. Apply skills and knowledge gained from this course to your work in Baltimore and beyond.

Baltimore Food Systems: A Case Study of Urban Food Environments

Look more closely at the environment of Baltimore City’s complex food systems and consider what it would take to improve these systems to assure access for all to nutritious, adequate, affordable food.