Star of the Month
Olivia Coffey
Bloomberg School of Public Health

Congratulations to our Star of the Month for November 2024, Olivia Coffey from the Bloomberg School of Public Health!
Olivia has been serving our community since arriving to Hopkins over a year ago to begin the MSPH program, and currently is a SOURCE Service Scholar working with our amazing partners at House of Ruth Maryland, who provide wrap-around support and housing assistance to survivors of intimate partner violence. Olivia is working closely with House of Ruth's program directors to develop training aimed at expanding the organization's capacity in order to additionally serve victims of non-intimate partner violence-related sexual assault. Read our interview below to learn more about Olivia's experience serving our Baltimore community!
Can you share a little background about your experience in the Baltimore community through your work with SOURCE? What made you want to get involved with House of Ruth through the SOURCE Service Scholars Program?
When I first joined the Hopkins community I knew I wanted to be involved in SOURCE. I believe community engagement is not only an essential aspect of a well rounded education but a part my own personal philosophy on the importance of service. I knew early on I wanted to get involved in SOURCE and would read the “Scoop” every week to see if there were opportunities that would speak to my passions. I found the SOURCE Service Scholar program really interesting as a way to get to know other like minded students. However, what really drew me to the program was House of Ruth Maryland. I had learned about the organization in my gender based violence course and knew I wanted to work for an organization so established in the community for preventing violence and supporting survivors. Being able to apply what I learned in the classroom towards helping my community is an invaluable experience.
What does your work with House of Ruth involve and are there any service activities with the project where others can volunteer this year?
My work with House of Ruth involves involves developing a training proposal, including an anticipated budget for each service program within the organization, that prepares it for expansion into serving survivors of non-intimate partner violence-related sexual assault. This includes field research on trainings available related to providing services to survivors of sexual assault and working collaboratively with program directors to develop a training proposal for their department. Students can volunteer to assist with field research such as conducting interviews with service organizations or helping to facilitate focus groups with survivors.
How does your community work in SSS complement what you’re learning in the classroom at BSPH?
My community work in SSS complements my education as we are putting knowledge to practice. As mentioned previously my course work in gender based violence as well as women’s sexual and reproductive health gave me the background necessary to serve in this position at House of Ruth MD. SSS takes my education a step further by learning the practicalities of community based work and providing services to the community. These are experiences one could simply never learn in a classroom.
"Whether you have time for a full internship or just a one time volunteer opportunity, community engagement allows students to gain real world experience and build connections with others all while making a positive impact."
What advice would you give to other Hopkins students looking to engage in service-learning during their time here in Baltimore?
Keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities! Baltimore is an incredible city with so many different organizations or causes to join. Choose what you care about and reach out to SOURCE to see how you can get involved in that area, chances are SOURCE already works with an organization in line with your interests. Whether you have time for a full internship or just a one time volunteer opportunity, community engagement allows students to gain real world experience and build connections with others all while making a positive impact. It is easy, especially in our field, to be discouraged with how much needs to be done, however you don’t have to do everything but everyone has to do something.
What is the most important experience you’ve had or most critical thing you’ve learned so far through working with our community?
The true “experts” are the community members experiencing the the everyday challenges we study in within the walls of our classrooms. The lessons I learn from community members will stay with me for the rest of my life. When doing community work it is of the upmost importance to lift up these voices and be an active listener and learner.