SOURCE Service Scholars

Our SOURCE Service Scholars (SSS) program is a unique opportunity for community partners to engage health professional students in long-term (academic year) commitments.
SOURCE works with CBOs to identify and refine projects and make connections to students who express interest in a long-term, regular commitment. Part of the Scholar requirement is to recruit other Hopkins- affiliated volunteers throughout the service year. Therefore, all projects must describe how the SOURCE Service Scholar (or the project student leader) can engage additional volunteers in the defined work.
Scholars are required to log a minimum of 150 total hours over the course of the year in partnership with their CBO. Not only do Scholars log impressive hours, they also undergo training in the core concepts of service-learning. As part of their commitment, Scholars receive training and guidance from SOURCE staff covering: service-learning theory and practice, project management, volunteer recruitment and management, and delivering and reporting on outcomes. These trainings are delivered through the SOURCE Service Academy, as well as one-on-one consultations with dedicated SOURCE advisors.
Previous SSS Projects
"Connecting Health Related Careers to Health Disparity Advocacy" with MERIT Leadership Academy
"Community-Informed Policy and Programming" with Green and Healthy Homes Initiative
"Financial Literacy and Education for Asylum Seekers & Trafficking Survivors" with Asylee Women Enterprise
"Shepherd's Outreach & Engagement Plan: Patient & Community Advisory Council" with Shepherd's Clinic
"Designing and Researching Population-based Research of Legislative and Media Advocacy" with House of Ruth Maryland