Reflecting on 20 Years of SOURCE

As we celebrate 20 years of SOURCE, I am struck by how far we have come and the profound impact of our work. What began as a small initiative with two staff members has grown into a thriving center with a dedicated team of seven full-time faculty and staff, approximately 10 graduate student program assistants each year, and a robust Governing Board that includes deans, faculty, staff, students and a Community Council made up of representatives from our invaluable community-based organizations.
Over the past two decades, SOURCE has evolved in size, reach, and depth. Our programs have expanded, continuously adapting to meet the needs of our community partners while responding to student interest. We have integrated into academic spaces, utilizing critical service-learning pedagogy to prepare future health professionals for meaningful, community-engaged practice.
When we first began, 137 volunteers were involved with our center. Today, that number has grown to as many as 1,600 unique volunteers each year from across the Johns Hopkins health professional schools. Together, they have contributed over 630,000 reported hours of service, equating to a financial value of nearly $17.5 million (not including the current academic year, or those who volunteered and did not report their activities). These numbers, while impressive, tell only part of the story. The true impact of our work lies in the relationships we have built, the power we have worked to redistribute, and the social change we have helped to foster.
At the heart of SOURCE are the values and principles that guide us - centering community voices, advancing justice, and ensuring that our partnerships are mutually beneficial and transformative. These commitments have shaped not only our work here in Baltimore but have also positioned SOURCE as a nationally recognized, award-winning model for ethical and engaged scholarship. Through our research and practice, we have influenced institutions across the country, demonstrating what is possible when universities and communities come together in authentic partnership.
It has been a tremendous journey, and we remain committed to the years ahead - continuing to grow, evolve, and deepen our impact. Thank you to all who have been part of this work - our community partners, students, faculty, staff, and supporters. Our success is a shared one, and together, we will continue to build a more just and engaged future.
With gratitude,
Mindi B. Levin
Founder and Director, JHU SOURCE
Associate Practice Professor